A Brief History of Camp Woody

In 1952 the first camp was held at Fort Abercrombie in WWII structures and lead by local interested Christians. The camp moved over to Long Island for the next 3 years also being conducted out of WWII buildings. In 1956 the first summer camp was held on Woody Island headed by Norman and Joyce Smith. The Smiths continued the ministry until the 70's. From early 70's through the 80's, camp was headed by members of Community Baptist Church, the Kodiak Baptist Mission and local Christians. The camp site started being utilized outside of the July bible camp by churches and retreat groups. In 1997 the non-profit group -- The Kodiak Christian Retreat Center -- was formed with a board compiled of people from local churches. Through 2011 much construction happened for camp! An extension for the dining hall, cabins 3 and 5, shower house extension, prayer chapel and the new Smith Chapel were built thanks to the help of work groups from American Baptist Central and Samaritan's Purse. God has continued to bless the growth of this camp, and we are excited to see what He has in store for the future.